- Seek and acquire knowledge.
- Create an ambiance appetite for learning and thereby help to develop a modest personlility.
- Provide opportunities to all users to develop healthy interest in the field of science, Arts and Humanities.
- Strive to promote liberty, equality, fraternity and social justice to reduce social and cultural differences.
- Foster Harmonious life among the community of the users.
- Conserve the knowledge , for the posterity.
- Provide necessary information resources to promote teaching and learning.
- Provide access to information to all types of users irrespective of its location.
- Enlighten the young and aspring minds to emerge as the national force.
- Help and guide the users to inculcate rich reading heritage to peruse excellence.
- Understanding the Research , Teaching & Learning needs of its users.
- Build Collection & to create tools to support Research, Teaching & Learning.
- Provide access and promote the use of local & external information Resources.
- Ensure the preservation A long lasting availability of library collections and resources.